Tuesday, 24 February 2015

DNA Transcription


Initiation complex:
-Transcription factors recognize and locate the TATA box
-TATA box is the promoter region

  • RNA polymerase II unwinds and opens a section of the double helix
  • RNA polymerase II binds to the promoter region 
  • RNA transcription begins in the coding strand of DNA with RNA polymerase II

  • RNA pol II synthesizes a strand of mRNA (complimentary to template strand)
  • "T"is replaced with "U" in the mRNA strand
  • RNA pol II works in the direction of 5' to 3'
  • mRNA is anti parallel with the DNA Template strand (Antisense), and is similar to the DNA Coding strand (Sense)
  • transcription goes from upstream (promoter) to downstream (terminator)

  • Transcription stops and RNA pol II detaches from the DNA strand when it reaches the "AAA UAA" signal
  • pre-mRNA becomes RNA by the addition of a G-cap to the 5' end and the addition of a 3'poly-A tail to the 3' end
  • Intron sections of the mRNA are cut out by the spliceosome and the Exons are joined together 
  • Spliceosome are assembled from snRNP which are proteins that contain snRNA who recognize the Intron segements

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Quote of the Day #1

"Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated." -Rosalind Franklin

The 3 Acts of DNA Replication


  • Helicase unwinds and separates DNA (at the point of origin)
  • Binding proteins bind to keep the DNA strands apart and unwound
  • Gyrase enzyme cuts the DNA to release the tension
  • Primase makes an RNA primer which the DNA polymerase III uses to begin replicating the new strands


  • Polymerase III adds nucleotides to the 3' of the new strand
  • DNA's anti parallel structure results in the new strands growing in opposite directions
  • Leading vs Lagging strands:
  •  the leading strand replicates continuously
  •  the lagging strand replicates discontinuously
  •  RNA primase synthesis RNA primer
  •  Polymerase III extends the strand by adding new nucleotides to the 3' end
  •  a new DNA fragment is generated from the end of each primer
  •  the DNA fragments are called Okazaki fragments
  •  Polymerase I removes RNA primer and fills the gap by extending the neighbouring DNA
  •  Okazaki fragments are joined by DNA Ligase


  • Newly formed strands rewind
  • Replication machine dismantles as the new DNA molecules separate from each other and the DNA replication is complete